
I got internet access today

Today I just got internet access at my home!!

I can update this blog easily.

I had really good time during Golden week in Japan.

First day of the golden week I have visited my grandmom's house in Gumma.
I enjoyed her food and some good conversation.

Next day I met with my friends and went to Karaoke together.
Karaoke is always fun for me. and I was able to make some new American friends in my home towm Gumma. One of them are teaching Englsh in Japan. His Japanese was really nice. Me and my friend enjoyed Karaoke with some Japanese songs and English songs.

Next day I went to my friend's wedding. It was great too. I did some performance for them. It worked out. I've cried several times because when I looked at the firther of the bride he looked so sad and he was crying.

anyway I enjoyed three days vacation in Gumma and I have to go back to my job Tommorrow. Oh!! its gonna be really tough day tommorow.


Masi Kido

Hi, My name is Masashi Kido. Please call me not Masi Oka but Masi Kido

I'm going to write English blog with this blooger from today.
I'm trying to update at least every other day because now I don't use English for my job. I need to practce English.
English is my second language and I forget it pretty easily.

By the way,
I've just moved back to Tokyo since last month from Gumma and I enjoy the life in Tokyo so far so much.

I guess simply it's because I moved into Tokyo and the environment has changed.
Trying new things are always fun for me.

Let's do it!